Bella Persona is both my company name and my ethos. We all possess beauty in our own unique way. While my clients appreciate my technical skills and perfectionism, I think it’s my connection with them that has them return. It’s not enough to do ‘the job’ - it’s also REALLY listening to understand what’s needed. I genuinely want to help you feel heard, nurtured, and confidently beautiful.
I experienced my own first facial back in 2001, and while I don’t recall anything about the service, I remember feeling emotional after, as if the Esthetician had held my heart in her hands. It was so much more than a service - it was an experience that convinced me to change my career so that I could recreate that experience for others. It’s still something I am called to do for others.
Memorable services come from being present in that moment and letting intuition and intention take the lead. Then the steps flow like a beautiful dance.
The work of an Esthetician is intimate and personal, and doing it well requires passion guided by skill infused with passion. Luckily, I found my niche. I really love what I do!
~Kris Troup, Licensed Esthetician & Owner
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel” - Maya Angelou